Cocaine Overdose: Warning Signs and How to Respond

Cocaine Overdose: Warning Signs and How to Respond

Every year in the United States about 30,000 people die from cocaine overdose. The main reason is that in most cases this drug is diluted with other substances, the most dangerous of which is fentanyl. Because of this, cocaine use becomes a lottery of survival. 

In this article, we will tell you how to realize that you are already addicted to cocaine, how an overdose manifests itself and what you need to do to save your life.

What cocaine addiction looks like

A person who has used cocaine at least once is already highly likely to be addicted. All because it is a very powerful stimulant of the central nervous system.

The first doses of the drug can cause the following effects:

  • a state of euphoria and immense joy, uncharacteristic good-naturedness;
  • vigor and sleep deprivation;
  • a sense of cognitive enhancement;
  • no need to eat.

However, with subsequent doses, the body becomes accustomed to the effects of cocaine, needing to use more and more often. The addict is constantly thinking about cocaine. He is irritable if he cannot find a dose. He doesn’t care about anything else. He loses touch with reality. He stops looking after himself, hurts people close to him.

If you are interested in the topic of cocaine addiction treatment, then either you have a problem or someone close to you is suffering from addiction. You need to realize that you can’t get through this without help. You can seek cocaine addiction help at a rehab that is located in Southern California. This place will give you all the support you need.

How to realize it’s an overdose

How much cocaine do you need to use to overdose? No one can answer this question accurately. This is because pure cocaine is not sold, and it is almost impossible to determine the nature of impurities. 

Something harmless can be added to cocaine to make it cheaper, but lately it is more and more often fentanyl. Because it is inexpensive and multiplies the effect of use. However, even a small amount of fentanyl can be fatal.

External manifestations

You can tell by the following external signs after use that it is an overdose:

  • severe pain in the abdomen and chest, which was not present before;
  • breathing problems: lack of oxygen, frequent breathing, suffocation;
  • pulse rate increases or is almost not palpable, the heart beats intermittently;
  • body temperature rises, fever;
  • the person vomits and vomits, often already unconscious, so he should be fixed on his side;
  • cramps: legs and arms shake involuntarily, the body freezes in unnatural positions, the person cannot relax the muscles.

These symptoms are particularly severe when alcohol is consumed along with cocaine.

Mental abnormalities

When cocaine is abused, an addicted person often exhibits the following symptoms due to the effects of the substance on the central nervous system:

  • abrupt mood swings: from unrestrained merriment to tears and depression;
  • excessive excitement accompanied by inappropriate behavior, tendency to aggression and violence;
  • panic attacks, unmotivated anxiety, fear of death;
  • delirium, confusion.

An overdose can make a person seem mentally deranged. This is dangerous not only for him, but also for others, as the addict has no control over his actions.

Serious consequences

Everything we have listed above should alert others. Even at these stages, it’s best to call 911. Because there could be more serious consequences:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • coma.

Death occurs from oxygen starvation of the brain.

What to do?

If a number of signs indicate that a person has overdosed, the first thing to do is to call 911. If breathing and pulse stops, CPR should be performed until help arrives. This means that there were admixtures of other drugs in the cocaine, most likely fentanyl. If naloxone is available, it can be injected into a vein to restore breathing.

If the person survived the overdose, they have two options: take another risk or start living a sober life. Further use is highly likely to result in death.

Drug addiction treatment does not come easy. It is the choice of strong people who value their lives. But it is also a real chance for a fresh start. All you need to do is find the right clinic, trust the specialists and believe in yourself.


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